A Cup of Vulnerability: Coffee, Hip Hop and Mental Health has a Mission (NewCity, 28 October 2020)

Moving into winter, and an anticipated second wave, the work of [Christopher] LeMark and CHHMH [Coffee Hip Hop and Mental Health] will be even more critically important to the lives of people in underserved communities. Services are available to help those undergoing psychological stress during these times, but to motivate people to seek out such services, the talk around therapy needs to be normalized. CHMMH is working toward that goal, one cup of coffee at a time.

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How To Make Bagoong

Sure, I may rarely, if ever, make bagoong myself in Chicago, but there’s something comforting in knowing that I know how. Bagoong, the funky, fermented seafood paste, is a mainstay of any Filipino’s kitchen. It’s a salty, aged, rich fish flavor… The blue cheese of the seas.

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Sarahlynn Pablo
Nothing To Prove: Filipino American History Month At Sunda, Chicago

Our Filipino-ness is not something we switch on from October 1 to 31. It’s not a costume. Filipino is part of who we are, always. October is every month, and Filipino American History Month is a special time for us to celebrate and remember who we are. Chicago’s Sunda celebrates Filipino American History Month with weekly specials all October, culminating with a kamayan dinner on October 25.

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